Chuck Monahan


PhD. Electrical and Computer Engineering...

Advanced to Candidacy - Univ of Cal, Santa Barbara 1993

M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering - Univ of Cal, Santa Barbara 1993

B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering - Univ of Cal, Santa Barbara 1990


Developing concise datapath model using BDD's to denote the freedom and restrictions in data movement. We've used this model to implement a data-path constrained scheduler.



"Symbolic Data Path Analysis", Ph.D. thesis

"Scheduling and Binding Bounds for RT-Level Symbolic Execution", International Conference on CAD-97

"Concurrent Analysis Techniques for Data Path Timing Optimization", 33rd IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference

"Symbolic Modeling and Evaluation of Data Paths", 32nd IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference

"Symbolic Execution of Data Paths", Proc. of 5th Great Lakes Symp. on VLSI. Also available in postscript.

"Communication Driven Interconnection Synthesis", Proc. of 6th International Workshop on High Level Synthesis.

Web Site Administration

There are seemingly countless ways to get your web site going. You need to get httpd installed on your machine.

Your web pages must be wrtten in html. Maintaining and updating these documents are the hard part. Luckily, I use a frame to html converter, fm2html, written by Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner. Frame (or framemaker) is a page layout/word processor available for X, Windows, or Macintosh.

Other converters exist, here is the short list that I've found.

Fun Stuff and Hobbies

In an ideal world I would have more time to spend

As it is, I just do


Chuck Monahan
Dept of ECE
Box 254
Santa Barbara, Ca. 93106
(805) 893-4461

UCSB HLS | UCSB CAD & Test | UCSB ECE Dept.| UCSB College of Engineering | UCSB