Files needed for labs:

bashrc addendum
tcsh addendum
Sample HSPICE header (0.18um PTM 1.8V)
PTM 180nm
PTM 130nm
PTM 45nm
MMI Extracted Standard Cell 0.18 library
MMI_NAND2B.sp Deck
lab5.sp Deck
Note: Updated PTM models can be retrieved from

Useful Sue Files


MMI Linux Distribution (for local linux installs)

File Installation Instructions:

  1. Determine which shell you are using (BASH or TCSH/CSH)
  2. Append the appropriate file(bash or tcsh) to your rc file (.bashrc for bash, .cshrc for tcsh)
  3. Grab a copy of the sample header and place it in the same directory as the sue file which you wish to simulate
  4. Rename the header file so that it has the same as your sue file (ie name it lab.h if you have lab.sue)
  5. Add desired spice directives to the header file -- you don't need a model/library in the first lab...
  6. Modify the .tran call for the desired granularity and run time (first and second arguments respectively)
    Alternatively, you can use/modify the sue dropins above to allow you to put the parameters for the spice run on the
schmatic sheet.