Ivan Radivojevic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, U.S.A.
Tel: (805) 893-4461
E-mail: ivan@aurora.ece.ucsb.edu
- Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Santa Barbara, 1994
- M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, 1990
- thesis: A Study of Fine-Grained Parallel Environment Executing DSP Algorithms
- B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1987
- thesis: 80186-based Microcomputer
- Computer-aided design of integrated circuits: high-level synthesis and logic design
- Microarchitectural design and instruction-level parallelism: hardware/software issues in superscalar, VLIW and multithreaded architectures
- BDD applications to combinatorial and algebraic problems
- Graduate assistant, UC Santa Barbara [1991-present]
- symbolic scheduling techniques for high-level synthesis of control-dominated circuits
- participated in development of a C++ generic object library for CAD research group
- VLSI circuit design: Wallace-tree multiplier chip, trigonometric functions look-up
- Graduate assistant, Drexel University, Philadelphia [1989-1991]
- performance and programming aspects of dataflow and DSP architectures
- Research engineer, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia [1987-1989]
- fault-tolerant systems: testing of Intel 80286/80287/80186-based multiprocessor and design of Motorola 68000-based digital commutation telephone system
- design and testing of an extended temperature range signal processing board based on the TMS320C25 DSP
- design and testing of Intel 80186/8087-based central processing unit for an extended temperature range real-time system
- Programming languages used: C++, C, Fortran, PL/M, Id, assemblers for Intel/Motorola/TI microprocessors
- CAD tools used: Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, SIS, Magic
- Mentor Graphics Design Automation Fellowship, UC Santa Barbara [1994, 1995]
- Reviewer for the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference since 1994
- Instructor, Logic Design and Switching Theory, UC Santa Barbara [1995]
- Continuing International Graduate Students Fellowship, UC Santa Barbara [1992, 1993, 1994]
- Teaching Fellow, Drexel University, Philadelphia [1991]
- Nominated for the Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Drexel University, Philadelphia [1990]
- Contributing writer, Racunari (Computers) magazine, Yugoslavia [1988-1989]
- Student member of the IEEE Computer Society
- UCSB CAD and Test Research Review [May 1995]
- Seminars (with Prof. F. Brewer)
- Synopsys Inc, Mountain View, CA. [Sep. 1993, Feb. 1995]
- UC Berkeley [Feb. 1995]
- Programmable Digital Signal Processors, Philadelphia IEEE Section [Jan. 1991]
Journal papers:
- "A New Symbolic Technique for Control-Dependent Scheduling", IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, to appear.
- "Symbolic Scheduling Techniques", IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, vol. e78-d, no. 3, Japan, March 1995.
- "Executing DSP Algorithms in a Fine-Grained Dataflow Environment", IEEE Trans. Software Engineering, vol. 17, no. 10, Oct. 1991.
- "High-Performance DSP Architectures for Intelligence and Control Applications", IEEE Control Systems Mag., vol. 11, no. 4, June 1991.
- Series of articles on 32-bit microprocessors and systems, Racunari (Computers), Yugoslavia, No. 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50 and 51, Oct. 1988 - June 1989.
Conference papers:
- "Analysis of Conditional Resource Sharing using a Guard-based Control Representation", Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Design, Austin, Texas, Oct. 1995.
- "On Applicability of Symbolic Techniques to Larger Scheduling Problems", Proc. European Design and Test Conf., Paris, France, March 1995.
- "Incorporating Speculative Execution in Exact Control-Dependent Scheduling", Proc. 31st ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf., San Diego, CA, June 1994.
- "Ensemble Representation and Techniques for Exact Control-Dependent Scheduling", Proc. 7th Int. Symp. High-Level Synthesis, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, May 1994.
- "Symbolic Techniques for Optimal Scheduling", Proc. 4th Synthesis and Simulation Meeting and Int. Interchange (SASIMI), Nara, Japan, Oct. 1993.
- "DSP Architectural Features for Intelligence and Control Applications", Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Intelligent Control, Philadelphia, PA, Sep. 1990.
Technical Reports:
- Introduction to Design Automation
- Logic Design Automation
- Algorithmic Logic Synthesis
- Sequential Machines and Automata Theory
- Advanced VLSI Architecture and Design
- Principles of CMOS VLSI Design
- VLSI Project Design
- VLSI Project Testing
- VLSI Testing and Testable Design
- Advanced Computer Architecture: Supercomputers
- Advanced Computer Architecture: Array Processors
- Advanced Computer Architecture: Distributed Systems
- Computer Systems Performance Evaluation
- Digital Signal Processing
- Error Correcting Codes
- Stochastic Systems